Physics Books in HKUST Library — Example solution (Issue 027)


There are 2,442,592 books in the HKUST Library. Books in a library can be classified into 26 categories according to the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System, including science as one category.  There are four subjects[DL1]  of science in general (mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology).


The estimated order of magnitude of the quantity of physics books in the HKUST Library:

        2,442,592 books / 26 categories / 4 subjects

        = 23,500 books (correct to 3 significant figures)

        = 2.35 x 104 books

        ∴ The estimated order of magnitude is 104.


Can you come up with your own answer? The actual order of magnitude of the size of our physics book collection (including e-books) is 104 (38,268 books).


*The number of 38,268 includes both astronomy and physics books (subclasses QB & QC) in the LC Classification System.


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