A New Explanation of “Like a Moth to a Flame”
For centuries, scientists wondered what attracts insects to flames. This phenomenon is so common that there's a phrase for it, "like a moth to a flame."
Wireless Charging Explained
Have you ever wondered how wireless chargers work? The answer is much simpler than you might think!
Peanut Allergies Unshelled: New Treatment and Preventive Measures
Peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies. Let's delve into them and crack the peanut allergy!
Electric Eels: Shock You in More Than One Way
Electric eels possess a unique ability to discharge electricity, which can stun or even kill some animals. But how does it work?
How to Regain Your Sleep from Your Smartphone?
Let’s explore the impact of bedtime smartphone use on our body's internal clock that controls our sleep-and-wake cycles!
Science Behind Auroras
Have you ever wondered why do auroras mainly occur in polar regions? What is the science behind auroras?